Digital Camera & Thermal Imaging Sensor Sizes Explained
Infiniti WhitepaperLet’s face it, digital camera sensors are measured in ridiculous ways. If you’re trying to make sense of what dimension a 1/2.8" sensor size is referring to, or if you’re wondering how thermal imaging sensor measurements are different, you’ve come to the right place.
Visible Imaging Sensor (RGB Color Camera)
An imager that collects visible light (400 to 700nm) and converts it to a color image that replicates normal human vision.
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Micron (µm)
Microns, also known as micrometers (represented as µm) are a length of measurement equal to one millionth of a meter. (1,000µm is equal to 1mm.)
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Pixel Pitch
Pixel pitch is the distance between two adjacent pixels in the sensor, measured from pixel center to pixel center.
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