ZLID™ Long-Range IR Laser Illumination 1–6km Night Vision
Infrared (IR) is light that is just outside the wavelength of what humans can see. This makes it a covert illumination option that isn’t visible to the human eye but can be read by a camera sensor and converted to a clear black-and-white image. IR LED arrays are commonly used in the surveillance industry to illuminate scenes that are too dark for cameras to obtain a clear picture, however most LED arrays are only effective for a limited range of 300 metres. To go beyond that range, Infiniti has developed a technology called ZLID™ (Zoom Laser IR Diode).
Lasers have been used by other companies to extend the IR illumination range, but they typically result in inconsistent illumination due to the use of cheap lasers and the spot beam nature of lasers. Our ZLID™ Technology adjusts the laser’s intensity and focus area as the motorized lens is zoomed in and out, eliminating the overexposure, washout, and hot-spots that usually occur with lasers. Combined with our precision engineered optics and highly tuned image sensors, we are able to provide a clear, even image in complete darkness for up to 6km.