Custom Multi-Sensor EO/IR Camera Payloads
There are many types of imaging technologies available, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Many of our camera systems incorporate multiple sensors, from a simple pairing of visible and short-range thermal to advanced systems combining four or more different types of sensors. This allows us to offer systems that take advantage of multiple imaging technologies simultaneously.
Different digital sensors detect different types of light or radiation from specific parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Sensor options range from cameras that detect visible light and produce a standard color image to technologies that focus and detect infrared energy, allowing us to see details and information beyond what the human eye is able to see and detect. Each technology has its pros and cons, and having image feeds from multiple different sensor types can be hugely beneficial for surveillance systems.
The camera systems listed below give an idea of the different ranges of products we offer. For more help with selecting exactly which sensors and lenses will best fit your application requirements and project budget, please contact one of our sales engineers today.
Compact PTZ Camera Systems
These compact systems can be equipped with both visible light and thermal imaging cameras.
Medium Size Systems
These larger systems can accommodate more than two sensors or illuminators, with more variable configurations and enclosure sizes.
Large Systems
Our largest systems can accommodate several sensors including VIS/NIR cameras with laser illumination, cooled thermal, SWIR and LRF sensors. These pan/tilts can support payloads up to 100 pounds or more and can also include options for static mount platforms to accommodate radar or other sensors that need to remain oriented in a static configuration.
Talk to a Sales Engineer
Tell us about your project requirements and we’ll work with you to design the ideal solution that best matches your budget and your project needs.