What is MWIR (Mid-Wave Infrared) and How Does it Relate to Thermal Imaging Cameras?
Glossary DefinitionMid-wave infrared or MWIR is a subset of the infrared band of the electromagnetic spectrum, covering the wavelengths ranging from 3µm to 5µm (3,000 to 5,000nm). This is the radiant heat that most cooled thermal imaging cameras see.
MWIR cooled thermal cameras are capable of achieving the longest range detection for thermal infrared surveillance cameras. This is because cooled thermal cameras use a cyrogenic cooler to chill the thermal core to temperatures as low as -196°C (-321°F), minimizing the signal noise on the sensor. This is crucial for longer ranges, since longer lenses can’t be as efficient as wide angle lenses (because they’re capturing a much smaller area of view), which means less thermal energy is reaching the sensor. With smaller amounts of energy, any amount of noise becomes much more critical, thus chilling the thermal core is a necessity for maintaining essential detail and contrast at extreme ranges.
For more information about thermal infrared imaging for night vision and surveillance see our Thermal Imaging Explained page.
To see our selection of cooled thermal camera module options (lens and sensor combos), see our Cooled Thermal Camera Modules page.